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VIA Train with P42DC 909 from Windsor towards Toronto at the morning of 3.10.2009 at Bayview Junction.

(ID 912)

VIA Train with P42DC 909 from Windsor towards Toronto at the morning of 3.10.2009 at Bayview Junction.

VIA Train with P42DC 909 from Windsor towards Toronto at the morning of 3.10.2009 at Bayview Junction.

Gilbert Angermann 05.10.2009, 1062 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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VIA 6413 (F40PH-2) on 2.10.2010 at Bayview Junction in Hamilton,Ont.
VIA 6413 (F40PH-2) on 2.10.2010 at Bayview Junction in Hamilton,Ont.
Gilbert Angermann

VIA Rail Canada P42DC 910 at Brockville, 14.09.2010.
VIA Rail Canada P42DC 910 at Brockville, 14.09.2010.
Gilbert Angermann

The conductor has to help the passengers with a step to come out fo the train. The service is only in the 1.class.  Brockville, 14.09.2010.
The conductor has to help the passengers with a step to come out fo the train. The service is only in the 1.class. Brockville, 14.09.2010.
Gilbert Angermann

Canada / Companies / VIA Rail

765 682x1024 Px, 28.09.2010

VIA Rail Canada F40PH-2 6409 at Brockville, 14.09.2010.
VIA Rail Canada F40PH-2 6409 at Brockville, 14.09.2010.
Gilbert Angermann

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