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1601 with Märklin-logo with D 428 Köln Hbf-Oostende at the main station of Aachen on 13-7-1998.

(ID 1656)

1601 with Märklin-logo with D 428 Köln Hbf-Oostende at the main station of Aachen on 13-7-1998. Photo and scan: Date Jan de Vries.

1601 with Märklin-logo with D 428 Köln Hbf-Oostende at the main station of Aachen on 13-7-1998. Photo and scan: Date Jan de Vries.

Date Jan de Vries 18.10.2009, 1791 Aufrufe, 2 Kommentare

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De Rond Hans und Jeanny 19.10.2009 20:26

Good evening Date Jan.
it's a great pleasure to see all these picuters of the 1600 engines at different places.
Thank you for showing us your treasures.
Hans and Jeanny

Date Jan de Vries 20.10.2009 17:27

Thanx for the nice comments, Hans and Jeanny! I am alweays a big fan of the Belgian railways. The "reeks 16" is also a very nice class electric locomotives!
Date Jan

Gone! Over are the times of both Class 16 and the Overnight Express to Warszawa. Under a dark sky, SNCB 1605 brings in the JAN KIEPUURA overnight express into Bruxelles-Midi on 17 September 2004.
Gone! Over are the times of both Class 16 and the Overnight Express to Warszawa. Under a dark sky, SNCB 1605 brings in the JAN KIEPUURA overnight express into Bruxelles-Midi on 17 September 2004.
Leonardus Schrijvers

With Int.424 to Oostende via Aachen, Liége and Brussels, SNCB 1606 just came off the Hohenzollern Brigde to enter Köln Hbf on 13 April 2000. For three decades, these eight machines hauled exresses between Oostende and Köln untill the demise of these trains in 2002.
With Int.424 to Oostende via Aachen, Liége and Brussels, SNCB 1606 just came off the Hohenzollern Brigde to enter Köln Hbf on 13 April 2000. For three decades, these eight machines hauled exresses between Oostende and Köln untill the demise of these trains in 2002.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Belgium / Electric locomotives / Série 16

175 1200x803 Px, 17.06.2020

SNCB 1604 stands in Aachen Hbf on 10 September 1999. Eight of these three nsystem locos (3 kV DC for Belgium, 15 kV 16,7 Hz AC for Germany and 25 kV, 50Hz AC for France) were build in 1966. These machines were to be found hauling international crack express passenger services between Köln, Aachen, Liége, Brussels and Oostende, but also a hop to Paris Nord or Luxembourg was possible. Sadly, tehse machines became extinct in 2010.
SNCB 1604 stands in Aachen Hbf on 10 September 1999. Eight of these three nsystem locos (3 kV DC for Belgium, 15 kV 16,7 Hz AC for Germany and 25 kV, 50Hz AC for France) were build in 1966. These machines were to be found hauling international crack express passenger services between Köln, Aachen, Liége, Brussels and Oostende, but also a hop to Paris Nord or Luxembourg was possible. Sadly, tehse machines became extinct in 2010.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Belgium / Electric locomotives / Série 16

184 1200x800 Px, 17.06.2020

The SBCB 1606 in Brussels Midi. 
Summer 1984
The SBCB 1606 in Brussels Midi. Summer 1984
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Belgium / Electric locomotives / Série 16

630 1024x765 Px, 08.02.2013

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