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Tram N° 76 is entering into the Maria-Theresien-Straße in Innsbruck on March 8th, 2008.

(ID 10228)

Tram N° 76 is entering into the Maria-Theresien-Straße in Innsbruck on March 8th, 2008.

Tram N° 76 is entering into the Maria-Theresien-Straße in Innsbruck on March 8th, 2008.

De Rond Hans und Jeanny http://wwwfotococktail-revival.startbilder.de 03.03.2012, 613 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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Tram N° 40 is arriving at the stop Innsbruck main station on March 8th, 2008.
Tram N° 40 is arriving at the stop Innsbruck main station on March 8th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Austria / Trams / Innsbruck

899 1024x769 Px, 05.03.2012

Tram N° 72 is running through the Salurner-Straße in Innsbruck on March 8th, 2008.
Tram N° 72 is running through the Salurner-Straße in Innsbruck on March 8th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Austria / Trams / Innsbruck

524 577x800 Px, 04.03.2012

Tram N° 75 photographed in the Salurner-Straße in Innsbruck on March 8th, 2008.
Tram N° 75 photographed in the Salurner-Straße in Innsbruck on March 8th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Austria / Trams / Innsbruck

571 1024x769 Px, 04.03.2012

Tram N° 76 is running through the Salurner-Straße in Innsbruck on March 8th, 2008.
Tram N° 76 is running through the Salurner-Straße in Innsbruck on March 8th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Austria / Trams / Innsbruck

514 558x800 Px, 03.03.2012

Weitere Bilder aus "Austria / Trams / Innsbruck"

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Österreich > Tirol > Innsbruck > Innsbruck
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