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Bild-Kommentare von Andreas Strobel

Railbus class 798 081 from the cancer valley railway in german Krebsbachtalbahn just left the station Hüffenhardt to station Neckarbischofsheim Nord at sunday 1.10.2023 (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 7.10.2023 20:26
Hi Andreas,
Although "rail buses/Schienbus" actually replace the steam locomotive, they are undoubtedly welcome as a "branch line savior (Nebenbahnretter)". In that respect, I like them too, like this picture.

Andreas Strobel 9.10.2023 14:16
Hi there Stefan, I'am a Fan of those in Krefeld Uerdingen builded railbuses. The where rigth that what was needed the sekundäre links from an much more earlier closing. Even the sound of the Bissingen underfloorengines are realy special. I'll enioy the everytime I'll see and hear them. Tanks for yours nice comment. Salut you, Andreas.

On sunday 2023.9.3 I'll made this photo of the class 111 111-1 named Sally in front of the saltpitt in Kochendorf. (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 10.9.2023 15:55
Hi Andreas,
I like your picture with the 111, and the interesting background also contributes a lot to that.

Andreas Strobel 13.9.2023 13:56
Tanks Stefan for your comment. I'am happy that my photo Impressum you so much in it's composion. Regards to the lac, Andreas.

AT the Station of Herbolzheim at the Jagst river ride tthe class 111 074 called Hilde with an replacementtrain RE8 from Würzburg Hbf nach Stuttgart Hbf at 5th july 2023 (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 31.7.2023 8:20
Very nice, Andreas.

Andreas Strobel 31.7.2023 15:40
Tanks for yours nice commente. Regardes Andreas

. A RE 1 to Koblenz main station pictured near Ensdorf on December 20th, 2014. (zum Bild)

Andreas Strobel 19.1.2015 20:36
Hello Hans and Jeanny,
what a nice shot of this Flirt 429, I like it very much.
Regardes Andreas.

An S11 stoptrain at the station of Allerheiligen, it leaded by the class 423 196 on it's way to Bergisch Gladbach (zum Bild)

L.K. 25.4.2013 16:11
Hi Andreas,
super Bild der S-Bahn, trifft meinen Geschmack.

Liebe Grüße

Andreas Strobel 26.4.2013 19:06
Hi Lukas, thank you for your nice comment. Nice that you'll like this stoptrain-foto. Best regards to you Andreas

202 726-6 photographed in Herdorf on October 14th, 2012. (zum Bild)

Andreas Strobel 28.10.2012 7:31
Hi Hans and Jeanny....I like this nice picture of the old eastgerman diesel locomotive, it's an very nice shot. Regards Andreas

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 29.10.2012 15:04
Thank you so much, Andreas.
I'm very pleased that you like my picture of the diesel engine.
Best regards

The E.103.184-8 DB with the "Rheingold" in transit Wolf (AUT) (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 24.10.2012 19:47
with best regards

Andreas Strobel 28.10.2012 7:27
Hey there Paolo, it's an great shot that you made of that train....ya could be proud of it. Regards Andreas

The 4024 008-3 "S-Bahn Vorarlberg" in Bregenz. 05.02.2007 (zum Bild)

Andreas Strobel 3.6.2012 15:38
Hello Stefan, nice shot of this multipale electricle unit from austria.....I saw them the first time at the station Ötztal where one of them starts it's way to Rosenheim in Germany....regards to Blonay sends Andreas

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