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7 Bilder
25.04.2019 | Oradea - 64 1125-5 left the station, probably going to Hungary.
25.04.2019 | Oradea - 64 1125-5 left the station, probably going to Hungary.
Marcin Łosicki

Romania / Diesel locomotives / 0 64 x / 62 - 63

34 1200x800 Px, 04.04.2024

24.04.2019 | Episcopia Bihor - 60 1528-8 waiting for a job.
24.04.2019 | Episcopia Bihor - 60 1528-8 waiting for a job.
Marcin Łosicki

Romania / Diesel locomotives / 0 60

33 1200x800 Px, 20.01.2024

24.04.2019 | Episcopia Bihor - 60 1528-8 waiting on the station, on the right 76-1420-9 left the station, going from Satu Mare to Oradea.
24.04.2019 | Episcopia Bihor - 60 1528-8 waiting on the station, on the right 76-1420-9 left the station, going from Satu Mare to Oradea.
Marcin Łosicki

Romania / Diesel locomotives / 0 60

32 1200x755 Px, 01.06.2023

24.04.2019 | Oșorhei - 64 1125-5 is heading towards Cluj-Napoca (probably Budapest - Bukarest).
24.04.2019 | Oșorhei - 64 1125-5 is heading towards Cluj-Napoca (probably Budapest - Bukarest).
Marcin Łosicki

Romania / Diesel locomotives / 0 64 x / 62 - 63

44 1200x800 Px, 05.05.2023

24.04.2019 | Carei - Desiro (96-2061-8) waiting on the station.
24.04.2019 | Carei - Desiro (96-2061-8) waiting on the station.
Marcin Łosicki

Romania / Diesel multiple units / 96 | Desiro

40 1200x800 Px, 28.04.2023

Falns from Romanie in Emmerich, Germany 11-09-2013.
Falns from Romanie in Emmerich, Germany 11-09-2013.
Hans van der Sluis

Romania / Wagons / Goods wagons

507 1024x756 Px, 27.06.2014

CFR Containerwagon typ Sgns number 33 53 4457 626-8 Rotterdam centraal station, Netherlands 22-09-2010.
CFR Containerwagon typ Sgns number 33 53 4457 626-8 Rotterdam centraal station, Netherlands 22-09-2010.
Hans van der Sluis

Romania / Wagons / Goods wagons

1079 800x600 Px, 12.11.2010



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