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Line 70: Luxembourg - Pétange Fotos

10 Bilder
. A local train to Rodange taken in Pétange on April 20th, 2013.
. A local train to Rodange taken in Pétange on April 20th, 2013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. Z 2213 is leaving the station of Dippach-Reckange on March 4th, 2013.
. Z 2213 is leaving the station of Dippach-Reckange on March 4th, 2013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. Z 2202 as RB 5062 Luxembourg City - Longwy (F) is running between Dippach and Schouweiler on March 4th, 2013.
. Z 2202 as RB 5062 Luxembourg City - Longwy (F) is running between Dippach and Schouweiler on March 4th, 2013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The RB 5087 Longwy (F) - Luxembourg City is leaving the stop Schouweiler on March 4th, 2012.
. The RB 5087 Longwy (F) - Luxembourg City is leaving the stop Schouweiler on March 4th, 2012.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The RB 4738 Rodange - Luxembourg City is running between Bascharage and Schouweiler on March 4th, 2013.
. The RB 4738 Rodange - Luxembourg City is running between Bascharage and Schouweiler on March 4th, 2013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. Z 2221 is running between Dippach and Schouweiler on March 4th, 2013.
. Z 2221 is running between Dippach and Schouweiler on March 4th, 2013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. Z 2213 is entering into the station of Dippach-Reckange on March 4th, 2013.
. Z 2213 is entering into the station of Dippach-Reckange on March 4th, 2013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The RB 5062 Luxembourg City - Longwy (F) will soon arrive at the stop Schouweiler on March 4th, 2013.
. The RB 5062 Luxembourg City - Longwy (F) will soon arrive at the stop Schouweiler on March 4th, 2013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The RB 4737 Athus (B) - Luxembourg City will soon arrive at the station of Dippach-Reckange on March 4th, 2013.
. The RB 4737 Athus (B) - Luxembourg City will soon arrive at the station of Dippach-Reckange on March 4th, 2013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. Z 2202 is running between Schouweiler and Dippach on March 4th, 2013.
. Z 2202 is running between Schouweiler and Dippach on March 4th, 2013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny


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