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Electric loc 342-010 pull EC158 'Croatia' through Maribor-Tabor on the way to Vienna.

(ID 19045)

Electric loc 342-010 pull EC158 'Croatia' through Maribor-Tabor on the way to Vienna. /26.3.2014

Electric loc 342-010 pull EC158 'Croatia' through Maribor-Tabor on the way to Vienna. /26.3.2014

Franci Vuk 02.04.2014, 455 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D7000, Datum 2014:03:26 10:15:09, Belichtungsdauer: 0.002 s (1/640) (1/640), Blende: f/8.0, ISO250, Brennweite: 42.00 (42/1)

0 Kommentare, Alle Kommentare
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10.08.2019 | Celje - 342-001 (probably) left the station, is heading towards Ljubljana
10.08.2019 | Celje - 342-001 (probably) left the station, is heading towards Ljubljana
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Slovenia / Electric locomotives / 342

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Electric loc 342-001 pull EC158 'Croatia' through Maribor-Tabor on the way to Vienna. /30.4.2015
Electric loc 342-001 pull EC158 'Croatia' through Maribor-Tabor on the way to Vienna. /30.4.2015
Franci Vuk

Slovenia / Electric locomotives / 342

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