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Fløisbanen Fotos

2 Bilder
The Fløibanen is a funicular railway in the Norwegian city of Bergen. It connects the city centre with the mountain of Fløyen, with its mountain walks and magnificent views of the city. It is one of Bergen's major tourist attractions and one of Norway's most visited attractions. Date: 10 July 2018.
The Fløibanen is a funicular railway in the Norwegian city of Bergen. It connects the city centre with the mountain of Fløyen, with its mountain walks and magnificent views of the city. It is one of Bergen's major tourist attractions and one of Norway's most visited attractions. Date: 10 July 2018.
Hans Christian Davidsen

Norway / funicular railway / Fløisbanen

328 800x1200 Px, 25.07.2018

The Fløibanen is a funicular railway in the Norwegian city of Bergen. The line is 844 Meter long, covers a height difference of 302 Meter, and carries over 1 million passengers a year. The line is owned by Fløibanen SA, a company with a number of shareholders, the biggest being the municipality of Bergen
Date: 10 July 2018.
The Fløibanen is a funicular railway in the Norwegian city of Bergen. The line is 844 Meter long, covers a height difference of 302 Meter, and carries over 1 million passengers a year. The line is owned by Fløibanen SA, a company with a number of shareholders, the biggest being the municipality of Bergen Date: 10 July 2018.
Hans Christian Davidsen

Norway / funicular railway / Fløisbanen

292 800x1200 Px, 25.07.2018


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